
Live Report: CMAS European Championship and 1st Madeira Underwater Photography and Video Open

Today was the official Day One of the CMAS European Championship and 1st Madeira Underwater Photography and Video Open here on the island of Madeira. There was a lot of positivity and good energy this morning making for a great kick-off to the championship.

Weather conditions and water conditions were both cooperative, making for a lot of happy underwater photographers.

Of course there are always challenges in this competition with limited number of dives, diving time constraints, and in camera processing, but good conditions definitely start things off in the right direction.

This year’s competition includes 13 different countries, 70 underwater photographers, 9 coaches, 17 jurors and journalists and 30 volunteers.

Lots of interest in the events of the day including the local news and every passerby commenting




There are two dives each day of competition. Between dives the contestants are allowed to change lenses, but only under the supervision of a CMAS judge.

During the surface interval there is time for fun …

… and siestas

But then it is back to work for the second dive of the day. Dive 2 out of 4 for the competition.


Check back tomorrow for more coverage and updates on diving Day 2!

CMAS 2022 Training Day
CMAS 2022 Diving Day 1
CMAS 2022 Diving Day 2
CMAS 2022 Closing Ceremonies
CMAS 2022 Compilation Video