Wetpixel contributor James Wiseman (jamesw) is moderating an online chat about digital underwater photography, which will take place on Wednesday July 24th 9pm Eastern:
Ladies and Gents,
I'd like to introduce you to my new website with an online chat and you are all invited! Please take your wetsuit off before coming inside...
What I plan to do is present a talk I gave to my local UW Photo Society called "From Film to Digital" The talk will be geared for both beginners and "seasoned" UW photographers. I plan to cover the "state of the practice" as well as the "state of the art" - since I have done intensive research and recently received my new Digital SLR.
"I have put all my slides up online so everyone can follow along during the talk just like it is a slideshow. After the "presentation" I think it would be great if we could have a roundtable discussion where everyone can share their unique expertise and "tips and tricks" for each camera/housing system. Jeff Farris, I'd be delighted if you could talk about the Olympus systems a bit, and I think I can cover the Coolpix line. Others? For the Nikon D100 owners out there, PLEASE come along so we can compare the differences between my Fuji S2 and the D100.
Chat Details:
Time: Wednesday July 24th 9pm Eastern
Place: www.reefpix.org Chatroom
Clothing/Dress: Optional (Hey, it's the internet, right!?)
To enter the chatroom, go to my website and click on the "Chat" link. There is only one room - General Chat. Click on that, enter your nickname, and voila! The chat software is OPTIMIZED for Internet Explorer but it will work with Netscape, just not as well. (please send all hatemail to
bill_gates@microsoft.com) Having a serverside chatroom is tricky, so if it doesn't load for you, please just hit refresh. I'm hanging out there now...
Please stop by my site and have a look around. Check out the Galleries, the two posted articles, and make sure to vote in the poll... My next article will be going up later this week.
Cheers and hope to see you all next Wednesday!
James Wiseman