
Image: Ripples and Rays by Jennifer Penner

Ripples and Rays by Jennifer Penner on Wetpixel

Jennifer Penner of newmediasoup posted this stunning image of a diver entitled “Ripples and Rays” onto the Wetpixel Facebook Group. It was taken in in the Sugar Bowl, Taj Mahal Cenote, Yucatan, Mexico.

From Jennifer: “Admittedly, there was a lot luck involved in capturing this image, and this was not even the first or second set-up of choice for this particular cenote dive. Our small group arrived a little early to the light-beams-party – for the set-ups we were hoping to shoot, it was too early in the day for the light rays to appear. Not wanting to squander our bottom time, we moved into what light was available at the time.

Using available light, a high ISO, relatively small aperture and moderate shutter speed enabled the camera to capture this image. Many frames were taken of the diver swimming back and forth to (hopefully) insure an image to my liking. Unbeknownst to me at the time, this swimming back and forth also created the ripples at the water’s surface. And it certainly helps to have a dive buddy that doubles as your dive model!

Taken with Canon 5D MKIII, Sigma 15mm fisheye, Nauticam housing, available light. ISO 3200, f/10, 1/80.