

Wetpixel March/April Contest Winners

Congratulations to the winners of our first Wetpixel official photo contest! All of us were very impressed with the caliber of the submissions, and chosing the winners was not an easy task! See the winning entries here.

1st Place: "Loving Leafies" by Dave Harasti (Dave H)
2nd Place:
"WWII Corsair Airplane" by (lidde)
3rd Place:
"The thing" by Dany Weinberg (BIKO)
Hon Mention:
"Free climbing" by Francesco Visintin (france_vis)

Winners are chosen by our world-renowned jury of photographers and will receive prizes from our contest sponsors: Aquatica, Pictopia, Ikelite, Gates Housings, Ultralight Control Systems, Marine Camera Distributors, INON America, and Fathoms.

Be sure to enter our official May/June 2004 photo contest, which will be accepting entries until the end of this month.

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Nikon: exit from compact film cameras?

Things continue to be exciting in the film-to-digital transition in industry. I always tell people that they don't have to switch to digital imaging right now, but they should be aware of what is happening so when they are forced to switch, they will be ready.

Excerpt from "Nikon Boosts Digital Cameras, Eyes Exit from Film":
"Canon and Nikon control nearly all of the nascent digital SLR market. They are also the leading makers of film SLRs, but demand is declining due to a rapid switch to digital models.

"Kimura said Nikon had no plans to stop producing film SLRs, but that it may next year start considering pulling out of the film compact camera business due to a sharp plunge in demand.

"'There is still the matter of timing, but eventually we will have to dissolve [the film] business," Kimura said. 'There really is no region in the world where you can do good business in compact film cameras anymore.'"

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Ikelite SD10 Housing Photo

Ikelite SD10 Housing

There are no off-the-shelf housings for the Sigma SD9/10 DSLRs. Such a housing could not be cost-justified, given the volume of sales and the profile of the user-base In researching the options, it very quickly became clear that Ikelite would be the only reasonably-priced choice and for all practical purposes, the only choice. After some discussion with Ike and a review of the camera by his staff, it was determined that a custom housing could be done from their standard digital mold.

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Ikelite/Sigma SD10 Review Posted Photo

Ikelite/Sigma SD10 Review Posted

Wetpixel member Rick Decker has submitted a review of the Ikelite custom housing for his Sigma SD10.  According to Rick: "There are no off-the-shelf housings for the Sigma SD9/10 DSLRs. Such a housing could not be cost-justified, given the volume of sales and the profile of the user-base In researching the options, it very quickly became clear that Ikelite would be the o­nly reasonably-priced choice and for all practical purposes, the o­nly choice. After some discussion with Ike and a review of the camera by his staff, it was determined that a custom housing could be done from their standard digital mold."

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Seaspace 2004 - Houston TX

We've posted a few photos from Saturday - the first day of Seaspace 2004.  Believe it or not, this is the 35th year of Seaspace!  Things are very busy as I gave a Seminar today and Eric and I are giving our Digital Workshop tomorrow, so I'll just post the photos, with the full feature and photo captions to follow.

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Portable Digital Backup Devices

Safari photographer and good friend Andy Biggs sent us a great link that compares various portable digital backup devices. Currently, 28 portable devices are listed and 14 of them matched up against each other by transfer speed and battery life. The author is a photography enthusiast named Frederic Houde.

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New York Times, Digital Underwater Photo

New York Times, Digital Underwater

A year ago, Douglas David Seifert took a photo with his Canon D60 that became the first digital cover for Dive Magazine. In tomorrow's New York Times, the Science section will feature a story on the annual snapper spawning ritual in Belize, which will contain two digital underwater images of whale sharks, also taken by Douglas. One was snapped with a Canon EOS D60, and the other with a Canon EOS 1Ds.

Also be on the lookout for the current issue of Nature's Best, which -- surprise! -- features both film-based and digital whale shark photos by Mr. Seifert.

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