
Articles & News Tagged “Off-camera”


Wetpixel Live: Strobes vs Lights for Off-Camera Photo

Wetpixel Live: Strobes vs Lights for Off-Camera

A frequently asked question during workshops and trips is the pros and cons of using flash lighting or continuous lighting for off-camera lighting. Alex and Adam chat about how they choose the type of light they use, depending on the environment and their creative goals.

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Tagged:alex mustard, off-camera, wetpixel live
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Wetpixel Live: Off-Camera Lighting Tools Photo

Wetpixel Live: Off-Camera Lighting Tools

Off-camera lighting is an exciting creative technique equally useful for wide angle and macro underwater photography. In this episode of Wetpixel Llve Adam and Alex discuss some of the tools that can help ensure that you off-camera flashes fire when you want them to, and are stable and pointing in the direction that you set them to.

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Tagged:alex mustard, off-camera, wetpixel live
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