
Articles & News Tagged “Whale Shark Day”


Happy (Belated) World Whale Shark Day Photo

Happy (Belated) World Whale Shark Day

30 August was World Whale Sharks Day. In most years, Wetpixel organizes trips to visit and document the amazing whale shark (Rhincodon typus) aggregation that occurs annually off Isla Mujeres, Mexico. The benefits of the eco-tourism that are created by the visitors to the area ensure that these amazing animals are seen as a beneficial resource that needs to be nurtured and protected. Due to COVID-19, this income will have been compromised, so please consider planning a trip to hang out with some whale sharks in the future.

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Celebrating International Whale Shark Day Photo

Celebrating International Whale Shark Day

30 August is International Whale Shark Day. It is sad to note that this is the first such day since its inception that these amazing animals have ben classified as Endangered on the IUCN Red List. Research suggests a decline in population numbers of between 40 to 92% over the past 75 years. The reasons for this are all human caused: Overfishing, catch as by-catch in net fisheries and ship strike count as the most pertinent causes.

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Tagged:environment, wetpixel, whale shark day
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