
Marine science expedition seeks crowd funding

The East African Marine Transect (EAMT) aims to catalog and document the marine life of the East Africa coast, from South Africa to Kenya. The team plans to use 3D stereo imaging tools to establish a baseline of the fish fauna that they encounter during the 4 month trip.

The organizers are looking to crowd source the costs of the expedition. For more information, please see their indiegogo page.

Press Release.

The East African Marine Transect (EAMT) Research Expedition.

The East African Marine Transect (EAMT) aims to action a globally important marine-based scientific expedition to explore the relationship between humanity, our marine environment, science, technology and how new knowledge is communicated and shared in an open-sourced manner. The key driver is imagery, and the power of film.

Inspired by Caine Delacy TEDxSeaPoint presentation (where ideas can change the world)!

The EAMT is a cross‐border, multifaceted research expedition, linking science, cutting edge technology and social media to create awareness and provide meaningful, useful and accessible data to inspire solutions, strategies and positive and constructive outcomes for East African coral reef fishes. Using stereo-imagery, for four months EAMT will dive and film from South Africa to Kenya to provide the FIRST baseline assessment of the fish fauna spanning the length of the East African ecosystem. This expedition represents the first of its kind, and will influence greatly future research initiatives on coral reef systems worldwide. We leave on the 12 November 2012.

To help support the expedition and the filming of the documentary head to its indiegogo page