
Digital Shootout Bonaire 2007 Day 1

Digital Shootout Bonaire 2007
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July 17, 2007

DAY 1: Digital Shootout Bonaire 2007 Daily Webcast

by Wetpixel's chief editor, Eric Cheng

Quote of the day:
"Lick your finger and stick it in the red hole in the back."
- Berkely White to Dan Baldocchi. Context unknown.

Today is the official start of the Digital Shootout 2007! By this morning, nearly all of the participants had arrived, and most have already started diving in earnest. At 10am, Berkely, Jim, and Russ ran another gear setup workshop in the classroom while Dan and Mary Lynn prepared the Capture offices for the week's video workshops.

At 2pm, photography and video seminars commenced, with Berkely speaking for three hours about shooting techniques (focus, exposure, and lighting) and Dan and Mary Lynn lecturing about video techniques.

In the evening, we held an official opening party at the Flamingo's Nest, which had been completely refurbished by the Divi for our event. The staff presented some media: Jim Watt and I showed images we took from the last Bonaire Shootout back in 2005 (Jim also showed a portfolio show), and Mary Lynn showed a short video she made from a trip to Guadalupe to shoot great white sharks.

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