
Aaron Schmidt: The basics of surf photography

Aaron Schmidt on Wetpixel

The Photoshelter Blog has published an article by photographer Aaron Schmidt entitled Back to Basics: Surf Photography Tips for Thrill Seekers.

Aaron Schmidt on Wetpixel

He offers practical advice including how to position in the surf impact zone:

The best waves will actually peel down the line, parallel to the shore and away from the impact zone. So you want to be sideways to the impact zone and at an angle from the surfers take-off area. ”This vantage point gives you the best view of surfers racing down the wave,” says Aaron.

He also advises investing in a bespoke surf housing and suggests that photographers use shutter priority mode. He also recommends using a wide-angle lens, building relationships with surfers incrementally in a mutually beneficial way and also shooting scene-setting images topside.

Aaron Schmidt on Wetpixel